Click here to order your Medieval Engineers server with Citadel Servers today!
The following guide will show you how to add mods to your server.
The following guide will show you how to add mods to your server.
How to Add Mods:
- Stop your server.
- Find a mod that you want on the workshop (e.g. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=440847161)
- Open your worlds folder and look for sandbox.sbc file, and find <Mods />
- Copy the number at the end (for the example it would be 440847161).
- Change it so that it looks like this (minus the square brackets):
<Name>[number from step 2].sbm</Name>
<PublishedFileId>[number from step 2]</PublishedFileId>
If you have done it correctly the mods will load up and your Sandbox.sbc file should look something like this:
- In the main server config (Game panel > Configuration files > MedievalEngineers-Dedicated.cfg) make sure the world where you just edited the sandbox.sbc is set as persistent or the mods will disappear.
- Start the server.
Troubleshooting Tips:
So you have just set up all the mods you wanted but now you can't connect to your server? Just follow this guide.
- Have you waited long enough? Download the mods from the workshop, unpack them, and add them to your server can take a few minutes.
- Are you sure you have formatted them properly? Even a single missing [ will stop is from working.
- Are all the mods you have added in date/still working/public?
- Finally, remove all the mods and add them one by one to see which one is stopping it.